The RimWorld Diaries
RimWorld’s Main Screen
So, I have this idea that’s been floating around in my head for the past couple of days. I want to take the game RimWorld and write a diary or story from my characters point of view. I’ve started a new colony and played a few days while writing down important events that my character may have written down in this hypothetical diary of his. Of course I want to flesh it all out a bit, not just list a bunch of stuff that I or the other characters have accomplished in a day. Now, I don’t claim to be much of a writer, but I feel like this will be a decent way for me to get a bit of practice with storytelling and writing, while also having the bonus of having something to keep me focused and structured on a particular set of events. The only downside I see so far is being limited on the amount of drama because of the mechanics of the game. Regardless though, I think I’m going to give it a try with the colony I have started. I imagine it’ll be quite boring for the majority of entries, but hopefully there will be some entertaining bits mixed in every few “days”. If anyone decides to read these and keep up with the story, well I hope you enjoy and thank you!