Fallout Challenge Run (Rules)
Ok, so hear we are! I’m setting up for the first part of my challenge runs, and that of course means making the rules official for Fallout. These of course may change as I get more familiar with the game, so check back on this post for updates. Anyways, here we go:
Play on the hardest difficulty available.
Only one hard save can be kept.
Hard saves can only be made at safe zones. For example, towns without enemies.
No reloading unless the game crashes, you get a game over, or you somehow made the game impossible to complete.
Secondary saves are allowed to be used in cases where the game crashes or you die solely because of an unintentional glitch.
No exploits. I’ll be giving a pass on the companion trading for infinite companion carry weight.
No companion scumming. For example, you can’t hide for an entire fight while your companions do the fighting.
No more than one Stimpak, or other item to restore health per encounter.
Fog of War should be enabled.
If resting outside of town for more than a day total, I will have to eat and drink some food for each day of rest.
I think that’s it. Again, if I realize that something simply won’t work or I want to add more restrictions I will do so here.
And of course, once I beat this game it will be added to a list of games that I will be trying to complete with the same rules as their respective first runs, but with permadeath as well.